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Membership payments due

Membership payments due

Alan Simmons4 Aug 2023 - 13:44
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Please register and pay your membership subs as soon as possible

If you haven't yet registered, please do so via the previous article here.

Membership fees are now due. Thank you to all of the parents that have already paid.

We have tried our best to keep fees affordable, and have held them at the same rate as the previous three seasons. Membership fees for existing players are £120 and £135 for new players.

Discounts are again available if you have more than one child playing with the club of £10 for each subsequent child.

Membership fees are payable by electronic bank transfer using the club’s bank details:-

Sort code40-31-51
Account number60012963
Reference numberAge group and the full name of the player

Please note that the name of the club's bank account may be still showing in the banking system as Birchencliffe Juniors (the previous name of the club).

Please pay any outstanding membership subs as soon as possible. Players with outstanding membership subs will not be registered to play league games. Refunds will be available for players wishing to leave the club.

Further reading